Within the leadership paradigm there are a number of different leadership theories identified. There are leadership theories based on the leader’s personality (trait theory) and specific style (style theory). Others identify leadership as the interchanges between the leader and followers (leader-member exchange, LMX), as depending on the situation (situational leadership) and contingent on the environment and circumstances (contingency leadership theory). Providing rewards/punishment for performing one’s task ( transactional leadership theory) and providing moral and ethical vision for the followers (transformational leadership theory). Flashy and charismatic leaders are also identified (charismatic leadership theory) as well as those that provide service for the followers they serve (servant leadership theory).
As a quick and non-scientific survey I am inviting everyone to participate in a quick survey on the above leadership theories. This survey asks for one or two words/adjectives that best describe each of the above theories. Results from this survey will be presented at a later time, granted enough participants volunteer and participate in the survey.
The link for the survey is provided below. Thank you in advance for participating in this survey.