Monday, August 11, 2014

Learning Theories

Learning Theories:

There are numerous learning theories that have been proposed over the years. These theories range in both their intended audience and in their application (i.e., child learning, adult learning, education, training, adult training). A recent compilation of some of the more popular theories can be found at Steve Wheeler's blogpost. In his blogpost Steve provides a list of each theory along with how these theories could be applied in an educational setting. These theories could be utilized in the workplace just as easy as they are applied in educational settings. Take a look at these descriptions of learning theories provided in Steve's blogpost. Each theory has been presented in an individual post, providing a clear description of the theory, resources for those interested in gaining additional information, and a section on applying these theories in an educational setting. This information has been very beneficial to myself and I feel that those who read each post could gain an education equivalent to any course on learning theory. Enjoy and visit Steve's blog at Learning with 'e's. Listed below is a short description of Steve Wheeler and the theories that have been presented to date: 

Steve Wheeler - Associate Professor of learning technology in the Plymouth Institute of Education at Plymouth University

Blog - Learning with 'e's: My thoughts about learning technology and all things digital

Theories presented in Steve's blog:

Adaptive Control of Thought - Rational (ACT-R) model of memory - by John Robert Anderson

Double Loop Learning - Chris Argyris

Social Learning Theory - Albert Bandura

Scaffolding of Learning - Jerome Bruner

Levels of Processing - Fergus Craik and Robert Lockhart

Flow Theory - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Experiential and Interactive Learning - John Dewey

Activity Learning - Yrjo Engestrom

A Steep Learning Curve - Hermann Ebbinghaus

Social Comparison Theory - Leon Festinger

Cognitive Resolution - Leon Festinger

Multiple Intelligences Theory - Howard Gardner

Theory of Affordances (What you see is what you get) - James Jerome Gibson

Alternative Perspective on Visual Perception (What you see is what you think) - Richard Gregory

Heutagogy (Emerging Theory of Learning) - Stewart Hase and Chris Kenyon

Drive Reduction Theory of Motivation - Clark Hull

Deductive Reasoning - Barbel Inhelder

Archetypes and Synchronicity - Carl Jung

Idea Mental Health - Marie Jahoda

Gestalt Theory - Kurt Koffka

Gestalt Theory - Wolfgang Kohler

Experiential Learning - David Kolb

Androgagy (Adult Learning) - Malcom knowles

Situated Learning Theory - Jean Lave

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