Tuesday, February 21, 2012

HPT Standards & Systemic Issues

HPT has developed ten standards when dealing with systemic issues.  The first four standards are the core HPT standards, while the remaining six standards deal more specifically to systemic issues.  The first four standards must be met before any of the other six standards can be accomplished.  Without completing the first four standards first, you will be unable to accomplish a fully systemic resolution (Brethower, 2006). 

HPT's ten standards for dealing with systemic issues:
1) Focus on results and help clients focus on results.
2) Look at situations systemically, taking into consideration the larger context, including competing pressures, resource constraints, and anticipated change.
3) Add value in how you do the work and through the work itself.
4) Utilize partnerships or collaborate with clients and other experts as required (Brethower, 2006, p. 112).

Be systematic in all aspects of the process, including the:
5) assessment of the need or opportunity.
6) analysis of the work and workplace to identify the cause or factors that limit performance.
7) design of the solution or specification of the requirements of the solution.
8) development of all or some of the solution and its elements.
9) implementation of the solution.
10) evaluation of the process and the results (Brethower, 2006, p. 113).

Look closely at the standards for steps 5 through 10.  Do they look familiar? These steps include what is typically known as a needs assessment followed by the ADDIE process.  The ADDIE process is an acronym for Analysis, Design, Develop, Implementation, and Evaluation.  One additional item that could be added would be feedback.  Standard #11 could include a feedback loop to each process, thus making the process a continuous improvement process.

Brethower, D. M. (2006). Systemic issues.  In Pershing, J. A. (Ed.), Handbook of human performance technology: Principles, practices, potential (pp. 111-137). San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer.

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